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A abide by ~ absence without leave accession acrophobia adage adultery aerial perspective a fishbone stuck in my throat age hardening aground a host of friends A-lister All Blacks all but Altair aluminium aluminum A Mid-summer Night’s Dream a nest of tables Angels animate animation annoying antenna antibody anticyclone antidote antigen apologize aptitude arson Are you seeing anyone? as good as as green as grass association football asymptomatic infection Augmented Reality aura aurora australis aurora borealis autumnal equinox attitude
B back and forth backdrop backformation bail bake-off banana problem ballpark figure bamboozle bare bare hands BCP bear hug bear Bears beaver Beaver Moon be beside oneself become be caught off guard behind closed doors game bell the cat belt be on cloud nine beriberi be right back where one started bespeak / bespoke Big Dipper bigamy big girl bimbo bindweed birthday suit bitter gourd black sheep blood plasma treatment bloody hell blue-blooded bluff bluffer BMI boastfullness body fat boil bokeh bolide bottle gourd boycott brace Brave blossoms bring home the bacon broken record brown-nose bug Bulbasaur bullfinch bundle of joy bunt bureaucratic inertia bur burdock burn one’s boats burn one’s bridges burl bush warbler bust busybody
C call a person names callous canine case fatality rate cauldron CCTV CDC CGIS chauffeur chauffeured car chimp chop chop CIA CID clinical trial close but no cigar close contact colitis collective immunity communicable viral infection community-acquired infection community transmission comparative complacency confidant confident contagion contact infection contract contract coring COVID-19 critic Cs cubed curt cytokine storm
D dandruff dawn decagon Diamondbacks Discus Throw dodecagon doodle
E eager beaver salary earner electrocution epidemic
F FBI fertilized egg fire ball fire hydrant fish mint fist fluff Flying Fijians fohn phenomenon food for thought fore-arm fragging Fritillary
G gaff-prone gaga fan galloping dandruff GAM gas field Geminids Geminid meteor shower geopolitical get one’s ducks in a row giant-killing gimlet gimp ginger girlcott girt by sea gist gland glee gnarl golden retriever goldfish memory good-riddance gosh go-to Great Conjunction great triangle in summer green green-eyed monster green juice groom group-oriented GSOMIA Guard Pacific’s triple star guinea pig gut
H hail hair clipper halo Hammer Throw hand and foot handle hands hang up one’s boots harvest moon hate the heat have a lot on one’s mind haven hazel health-oriented hearsay heatstroke heaven hendecagon hidrosis high Highlander highly contagious virus high hip hist hit for the cycle hoax home truth hoop hoop dream horny plug horse’s ass host hosts of hot potato How dare you How do you put it in English ? Hubei province hydrangea hydrate hurrah hurray hydrangea hydrant hygrometer hyperhidrosis
I if anything imp incubation period in droves infected person infection
K keratin plug keratotic plug kidding aside kist knot Knock, Knock, Ginger
L lacrimal gland language of flowers law of inertia last hurrah list lock
M made to measure make-believe Maple leafs maxim mist monogamy morning glory mortality rate mortar
O -oriented omnipotence omniscience
P pandemic PCR peak/ peek / peke / pique peer pressure pheasant penumbral eclipse people-oriented perfect attendance pest pheasant pimp planing polygamy positive prone proverb puke
Q quarantine queue quite a few
R ranch RCEP Red dragons Red rose refuse rein rice field rid rookie mistake rose hip
S SAM salamander salt field SARS-COV-2 saying scat self-oriented shelter from the rain shocker Shot put signature simp singular slip of the tongue salivary gland spangle sperm egg Springboks starling stun sunstroke superlative sweat gland symptomless infection
T ta-da take a hike the wheel comes full circle throw a tantrum tummy
U ulcerative colitis upper arm upset
V Vega ventilator verdigris vernal vernal equinox viola violate basic human values viral pneumonia visceral visceral fat Voldemorting
W waist cincher wait waiter walking dandruff Wallabies wallow in one’s own inertia want warbler washer WBGT Welwitschias Wet paint ! wimp wind egg wist What a pest! wheat field white elephant sale WHO whole attendance Whom the gods love die young. wobble wont won’t wombat wood ear word salad wordsmith woodwind wrap up Wuhan