『戦闘準備』は英語で preparation for action のように言えるそうです。
『戦闘準備をする』なら、prepare for action になりますね。
今日、ラグビーリーグワンの埼玉ワイルドナイツの本拠 「さくらオーバルフォート(SAKURA OVAL FORT)」に行ったら、野口竜司選手が練習グラウンドに居ました。
Today I visited Sakura Oval Fort, home of the Rugby League One team, Saitama Wild Knights, and saw Ryuji Noguchi on the practice field.

The team was off today, but Noguchi was practicing by himself, and preparing for action.
Next Saturday, May 18, the Wild Knights will play the Yokohama Canon Eagles in the semi-finals of the League One Playoffs at Chichibunomiya Rugby Ground, so I am sure all the Wild Knights players are fired up.
We, as the fans, also need to prepare for action.
So, I have got the ticket of the semifinal.
Go Wild Knights!