In the manga and anime “Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu” or ” Dangers in My Heart”, the Musashikoyama shopping district and the stores located there appear several times.
The arcade shopping street runs for about 800 meters from in front of Musashikoyama Station on the Tokyu Meguro Line.

Some of the store names in Boku Yaba are slightly changed from the names of real stores. For example, “Book on” in the manga is obviously a pun for “Book Off”.
While, for “BOOKS TAMA” where Ichikawa bought a magazine , the manga depicts the store sign with its name as it is.
(This photo also shows a building similar to the tall apartment building in the story.)
例えば、漫画に出てくるBook onは明らかにBOOK OFF をもじっています。
一方、市川が雑誌を買った「ブックス タマ」の店名入りの看板はマンガにそのまま描かれています。

There is a McDonald’s like the one seen in that scene and a Takoyaki shop though its name is different from the one in Boku Yaba.

The Takoyaki shop in the manga is ”銅だこ( DO-DAKO = Copper Octopus)”, which is a pun for ”銀だこ(GIN-DAKO = Silver Octopus)”, a well known Takoyaki shop name.
There used to be a GIN-DAKO shop in Musashikoyama, but it is no longer there.
The shop and restaurant in the photo above, ”TACOHIGH” in Musashikoyama, resembles the one in the story in that it is an Takoyaki shop that also serves alcoholic beverages. It may partially be a model of the shop in the manga.
Finally, here is the confectionery shop “Okashi no Machioka” , which may be the model for the “Okashi no Muraoka” mentioned in Yamada’s line.
The name in the story is a simple pun that Machi (town) is replaced by Mura (village).

I think Yamada is a good customer for this confectionery store.
Related posts to “BokuYaba”(僕ヤバ関連投稿)→Click here
to “Pilgrimage”(聖地巡礼関連)→Click here
— 「僕の心のヤバイやつ」TVアニメ公式@第2期好評放送中!! (@bokuyaba_anime) February 2, 2024
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