a yellow fuming corrosive mixture of one part nitric acid and three to four parts hydrochloric acid, used in metallurgy for dissolving metals, including gold
僕のお手製の例文です。 🙈 Our society has been on a roller coaster because of COVID-19. Covid-19のせいで私たちの社会は急激な変化の中にいる。 (何とか落ち着いてせいかつしたいんですけどね。)
Learner’s Word of the Day: roller coaster – a ride at an amusement park which is like a small, open train with tracks that are high off the ground and have sharp curves and steep hills https://t.co/pLUKrSkylbpic.twitter.com/1d9P9wz1ut
cytokine NOUN Physiology Any of a number of substances, such as interferon, interleukin, and growth factors, which are secreted by certain cells of the immune system and have an effect on other cells.
An immune system–cytokine positive feedback reaction to certain infections and certain drugs, which occurs when large numbers of white blood cells are activated and release inflammatory cytokines, which activate more white blood cells.
要するに、免疫系を活性化するcytokineが過剰に放出されることで、自分の臓器組織を攻撃する、免疫の暴走のような現象が起こるんですね。免疫作用に必要なcytokineも、「嵐」のように出しまくったら、自分の体が危ないということです。 (過ぎたるは及ばざるが如し= Too much is as bad as too little. なんだな。)