この数日、英語のニュースに lying-in-state という言葉が出てきています。
lying-in-state は、『告別正装安置、(著名人の)遺体の一般公開』だそうです。
the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryの定義では
lying-in-state (noun)
the period when the dead body of a political leader is displayed to the public before being buried; the display of the body in this way

亡くなられた英国の女王陛下のlying-in-state では、多くの人が集まり長い行列ができているようです。
King Charles lll and The Prince of Wales are meeting people waiting in the queue near Lambeth Bridge for Her Majesty The Queen’s Lying-in-State at Westminster Hall. pic.twitter.com/z5obPz5cIh
— Solihull Updates (@SolihullUpdates) September 17, 2022
King Charles lll and The Prince of Wales are meeting people waiting in the queue near Lambeth Bridge for Her Majesty The Queen’s Lying-in-State at Westminster Hall.