The death toll rose to almost 60 after a powerful earthquake hit Japan’s northwest, as aftershocks and the threat of heavy rain hamper rescue operations
The death toll rose to almost 60 after a powerful earthquake hit Japan’s northwest, as aftershocks and the threat of heavy rain hamper rescue operations https://t.co/O3IQ3ZkKzx
— Bloomberg (@business) January 3, 2024

『地震』 earthquake, quake
『(地震の)揺れ、小地震』 tremor
『余震』aftershock, afterquake
『震源』hypocenter, seismic center (focus)
『断層』(geologic) fault
『活断層』active fault
『群発地震』 swarm earthquakes, (earthquake) swarm
『火山性地震』 volcanic earthquake
『震度』 seismic intensity, intensity on the Japanese (seven-stage) seismic scale
『震度5弱』intensity 5 lower
『震度5強』intensity 5 upper
register 7 on the Japanese seismic seven-stage intensity scale
『マグニチュード』magnitude(of earthquake), magnitute on the Richter scale
7.6-magnitude earthquake
『液状化』 liquefaction
『地割れ』crack, fissure, opening (in the ground)
『津波』 tsynami
『津波警報』tsunami warning
『緊急地震速報』 EEW (Earthquake Early Warning)