英語で『黄砂』は、yellow sand 、 yellow dust や yellow windなどと言うそうです。

Hate sneezing all day? Check out our latest blog post covering the growing issue of “yellow sand allergies” and how to combat them. If you’re tired of being bested by microscopic particles, read more here:
🌪️ Hate sneezing all day? Check out our latest blog post covering the growing issue of "yellow sand allergies" and how to combat them. If you're tired of being bested by microscopic particles, read more here: https://t.co/YHFGDUYzjf 🌬️
— すーぱーニュースちゃん (@Super_News_Chan) April 25, 2024
『黄砂アレルギー 』yellow sand allergy といって、黄砂が原因で花粉症みたいな症状や皮膚の問題が起きることもあるそうです。