imperfect combustion や incomplete combustion と言います。
imperfect や incomplete が『不完全な』で、
combustion が『燃焼』ですね。
perfect combustion や complete combustion となります。

Xのポストで incomplete combustion が使われていました。
Do not burn waste in open.
Burning waste in the open results in incomplete combustion thereby releases various gases that are harmful to human health.
Do not burn waste in open.
— Central Pollution Control Board (@CPCB_OFFICIAL) October 26, 2024
Burning waste in the open results in incomplete combustion thereby releases various gases that are harmful to human health.#WasteBurnning #MissionLiFE #SayNoToOpenBurning #ReduceAirPollution @byadavbjp @KVSinghMPGonda @moefcc @mygovindia @PIB_India pic.twitter.com/TNRLMP2Gw5