English words Reddit people really like=Reddit 民が愛する英単語 (その1)-💻-#つぶやき英単 2147 


Reddit に”What is an English word you really like?”というスレッドが立っていました。

1)Ubiquitous 『遍在する、至る所にある、至る所に顔を出す』
 例文)Semiconductor devices have already been ubiquitous.

2)Melancholy 『憂鬱、哀愁』『憂鬱な。物悲しい』
 例文)I tend to feel melancholy in late fall.

3)Archipelago 『群島、列島、多島海』
 例文)I would like to travel across the Japanese archipelago.

4)Comeuppance 『当然の罰』
 例文)They will get their comeuppance for their misdeeds someday.

5)Serendipity 『思わぬものを偶然に発見する才能、偶然がもたらす幸運、セレンディピティ』
 例文)His great invention was due to serendipity.

6)Indubitably 『疑いの余地なく、確かに』
 例文)The evidence showed that she was indubitably innocent.

7)Flabbergasted 『びっくり仰天した、あっけにとられた』
 例文)She was flaggergasted at his unexpected confession.

8)Propinquity 『近いこと、近接、近親、類似』
    It’s the state of being near to something or someone.
 例文)The propinquity of the two cases should be noted in our investigation.

9)Kerfuffle 『騒動、言い争い』
 例文)In all the kerfuffle, he was the only one calmly enjoying his tea.

10)Facetious 『ふざけた、冗談の』
 例文)Professor, please stop being facetious in your lectures.



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