WKs、スプリングボクスからペアで補強!!―🏉-#つぶやき英単語 1666



Japan Rugby League One Champions, The Panasonic Wild Knights have confirmed the signings of Damian de Allende and Lood de Jager ✍️
The side is coached by former Crusaders and Wallabies boss Robbie Deans.
「ジャパンラグビーリーグワン王者、パナソニックワイルドナイツがダミアン デ アレンデ選手とルード デ ヤハー選手の加入を発表しました。

@Panasonic_WK confirm they have signed Springbok pair Lood de Jager and Damian de Allende.
「パナソニックワイルドナイツ(WK)がスプリングボクスのルード デ ヤハー選手とダミアン デ アレンデ選手の二人を獲得したことを発表しました。」


So that’s how they’re replacing Kruis. Is Parkes staying on?
No Parkes has moved on, not sure if he’s staying in JP or heading back to NZ.

Damian back at WKs. Not going to make taking the championship off them very easy. What a backline.
等々  いろいろ出てくるのこれからですね。


ルード デ ヤハー選手
I am really excited to be joining the Saitama Panasonic Wild Knights. They are the team with tremendous pedigree and a professional environment with world class facilities. I always want to improve as a player, and I feel Saitama Panasonic Wild Knights is the perfect place for me to do so. I have always enjoyed Japan and have a fondness for the culture and the people. I look forward to working with my new teammates and coaches to improve my game and hopefully contribute towards Saitama Panasonic Wild Knights being successful.
* pedigree は『家系、血統、経歴』等の意味を持つ単語です。ここでは tremendous pedigree が「素晴らしい伝統」と訳されていますね。

ダミアン デ アレンデ選手
I am very happy to be coming back to Japan and Saitama Panasonic Wild Knights. I really enjoyed my season in 2019-2020 before it was cut short because of covid. It has been great to follow the team and see how well they played, also to see Saitama Panasonic Wild Knights win the Japanese competition two years in a row. I am excited to see some of my old teammates and I hope I can be a good influence on the team and keep the winning streak going.

De Allende and Fukuoka playing for WKs in 2020

ルード デ ヤハー選手もプレーを見るのが楽しみです。
(Jager と書いてジャガーではなくヤハーなんですが、ハーが喉を鳴らすような音なんですよ、たぶん。発音ちょっと難しいですね。)


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