pass the torch to a new generation.

News Analysis: In a speech from the Oval Office, President Biden said it was time to “pass the torch to a new generation.” But he said nothing about his own age or capacity that led so many Democrats to desert him.
ニュース分析 大統領執務室からの演説で、バイデン大統領は新しい世代にトーチを渡す時だと述べた。しかし、多くの民主党議員から見放された自身の年齢や能力については何も語らなかった。
News Analysis: In a speech from the Oval Office, President Biden said it was time to "pass the torch to a new generation." But he said nothing about his own age or capacity that led so many Democrats to desert him. https://t.co/Lnaa4dGjdg
— The New York Times (@nytimes) July 25, 2024